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Halloween Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

Writer: Renah JonesRenah Jones

Halloween is just around the corner and for some of us that can be scary for our health goals.  Even if you don’t have kids, you may still find yourself surrounded by candy that is leftover from trick-or-treaters for weeks.  Here are a few tips to try to keep that candy under control!

Give out non-edibles or healthier alternatives:  For starters, you can choose to give out something non-edible to trick-or-treaters like stickers, small toys or temporary tattoos.  Think of things that are still fun for kids, but without the sugar!  If you are set on giving out a tasty treat, mix things up with granola bars, crackers, pretzels, or gummies made with real fruit juice.  Parents will thank you!

Buy candy at the last minute:  If you are set on buying candy, buy it the day before so it doesn’t sit around the house tempting you!

Donate leftover candy:  And what about the extra candy that is left when all the knocks at the door stop?  Donate it to a local food pantry, or an organization that sends care packages to troops.  Know where you are going to donate it BEFORE Halloween so you can take it there the day after.

Control the candy for your kids:  Taking the kids trick-or-treating?  Start off by giving your kids smaller bags.  Smaller bags = less candy.  When you get home, go through the candy with your kids and let them pick out the really special candy and encourage them to donate the rest.  (Make sure they go with you to donate it.)  Or, start a new tradition with the Switch Witch.

Walk your trick-or-treat route: It will be good for the kids and you!

If you must indulge, choose better options:  If you (or your kids) are going to partake there are some better options.  Candy is ALL loaded with sugar, but treats like Starbursts, Tootsie Rolls, York Peppermint Patties, and Smarties are better options than the snack size chocolate bars.

With a plan, there’s no need to be scared of Halloween!  Enjoy yourself, but in moderation!  Have a Safe & Happy Halloween!



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