As the weather gets cooler I like to make this ginger "tea" to keep on hand. It's a good warm-you-up drink, a night time wind-down tea, a flavor booster for regular water and can even help a sore throat. It's super easy and lasts about a week stored in the fridge.
Ingredients: Fresh ginger (one bigger piece or a few smaller pieces) 2-3 Lemons Dash of cayenne pepper Honey to taste 3 cups water Use a spoon to scrape some of the skin off the ginger and slice into pieces. (None of this has to be perfect or pretty). Add the ginger and 3 cups of water to a pot, bring to a boil. Boil for 5-8 minutes. Turn the heat off and let ginger steep in water while you prep the other items.
Squeeze the juice of the 2-3 lemons through a strainer into a heat proof container. (I use a Pyrex measuring cup).
Add a dash of cayenne.
Add a small amount of honey. (I usually end up adding about a tsp but you can add more later to taste.)
Pour the hot ginger water through a strainer into the container with lemon, pepper, and honey. Stir to dissolve the honey. You can enjoy while it's hot or store it in the fridge to drink later.