Make a list of everyone in your life that you need to forgive, starting with the past year or so. This was homework for a program I was in.
There was one person that kept coming up on that list...more than 15 things I needed to forgive her for.
You might wonder why I haven't kicked this person out of my life, but that answer is easy.
It was me.
I was the main player on that list. And I have been extremely hard on myself in every single area of life over the past year.
I knew I was carrying all of this blame and shame around, but writing it out and acknowledging it in this way helped me to start letting it go.
It's never easy to acknowledge our most inner feelings, but if we never do then we can never change them.

What's on the inside eventually shows up on the outside... in your relationships, your career, your life.
When is the last time you checked in with yourself? Do you have some baggage that you need to dump? Is it time to get out of your own way, to leave the shame, blame or guilt behind? Or do you have others you need to forgive?