Some days you feel like Wonder Woman. And other days you feel like … well, like you’d do some questionable things for a nap. Who in the world has the time to fit exercise into the busy days of motherhood?
Well, we’re here to tell you it is possible. It just might not look like it does for everyone else. Be creative, go easy on yourself, and try out these 6 tips for busy moms:
1. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Keep your meal planning and prep as simple as possible. Don’t sign up for that 5k you don’t have time to train for. You’re not in competition with anyone else, not your neighbors or the gourmet-chef moms you see on Pinterest. When you’re short on time, stick to the basics.
2. Pencil yourself in. Then go over it in pen.
Dropping in to the gym can be tricky when you have things like child care to worry about. So don’t drop in at all. Get a big calendar and mark the days and times you’re reserving for exercise. Once a week, once a month — however often it is, write it down, giving yourself plenty of time to find a sitter, and then go!
3. Gather a support system.
Motherhood can be tough (biggest understatement of the century?). And who better to understand the challenges and issues than other like-minded parents? In addition to your family and friends, you can reach out to local groups to meet other parents to whom you can relate.
4. Do at least one thing you love every day.
Try to take at least 5-10 minutes every single day to do something you love. Something just for you. Whether that’s reading, meditating, working out, or calling a friend … You decide.
Just remember: your mental well-being is as important as your physical health. You’re not able to fully love and fill others up, including your kids, if you’re running on empty. Finding things that help fill your tank up will help you love others better.
5. Work the playground & include your kids.
Have you ever noticed how active and energetic the kids on a playground are? Guess what! It takes a lot of energy to play that hard. So why don’t you try it, too? Running around with your little one(s) is a cardio workout in itself! If you can work in some pull-ups on the monkey bars or step-ups on the jungle gym, that’s awesome!
6. Forgive and forget.
Do you feel like you didn’t get everything right today? Don’t sweat it. Don’t worry about being perfect in your gym attendance. Don’t beat yourself up when you have a second piece of cake at that fifth birthday party.
No one is perfect — that’s a fact — so cut yourself some slack! Tomorrow is a brand new day.
And you’ve got this, Mom.