This year we are so honored to have THREE more women hit a huge milestone with us! They celebrate their 10 year anniversary at Dragonfly this year!
We'll be introducing them all to you and getting their perspective because we, of course, think they are amazing!
Tell us about yourself
I am a literal Southampton neighborhood lifer - 50 years is a freaking long time. I grew up 4 blocks from where I live. If I could keep my whole life encased in South City I would.
My loves are wiener dogs, St Louis sports, hanging out with friends and candy cigarettes (jk - but I do have a weakness for them).
I am a Realtor and most days love what I get to do. It has turned me into an advocate for others in more ways than I thought possible.
What originally brought you to Dragonfly ten years ago? My wiener dogs and I would walk by the gym all the time on our walks. I could hear music, laughter and would get a wave. I was at a point in my life where I knew I needed to do something to get motivated to stay active. So I said what the hell I am calling that number. I met with Renah and liked her down to earth attitude. I had nothing to lose committing to a 4 week trial membership. After that four weeks, I took off for a few weeks for my eye surgery and was like "hell yeah I am going back'. Haven't looked back.
What's one thing you're proud of from the past 10 years? I have kept the commitment to stay strong and focused for 10 years. There are days I don't feel like coming in, but I do it. I know the results are going to outweigh my whining. I had a weird injury that took forever to heal, but because my coaches listened and knew what a piriformis was, they helped me with modifications. I didn't have to stop coming in. I know when it's time to push my body now and when to go lighter.
What advice would you give to members who are just starting with us? Don't ever get hung up on the person next to you being able to lift more or whip around faster. I am uber competitive inside so that was hard for me not to try to keep up with the kickass lady next to me. I learned to cheer her on and in return she cheered me on. I am not there to beat someone else, you shouldn't be either. The motto rings true just focus on being better every day.
What is the number one thing that helps you stick to your fitness routine? In my real estate world, I have had to do some crazy things. I can't tell you how many times I have had to do feats of strength or balance only to laugh about it later because I can thank Dragonfly for those skills. I have moved furniture, carried wood doors out of basements, hauled trash and yard waste, dealt with way too many paver stones and so many more things that required some muscle.
This past vacation I was the one who carried the 24 pack of waters back 3 blocks from the convenience store to our short term rental. My weak friends sure were not going to be able to do that. I love being able to surprise people with my strength.
What is your favorite part about being a member at Dragonfly? The friendship and support from my coaches and fellow members is not something you can put a price or value on. Over the years I have made some great friends and know I will continue to meet some really amazing people. The sense of community and positivity can pick you up on a tough day. You can be working hard on something and focusing on doing it the right way. Then you look up and catch someone's eye across the gym and they give you a quick nod, smile or wink. That is my favorite part. Could you imagine if we all had this kind of support in our workplaces. We all could rule the world. lol
For the past ten years, Tina has been working hard and making us laugh - always! You know when Tina is in class it's gonna be fun! Tina works through any injuries and always has a positive attitude...for ten years!! Thanks a million for being here!