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10 Years of Dragonfly: Meet Erica

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This year we are so honored to have FOUR women hit a huge milestone with us! They celebrate their 10 year anniversary at Dragonfly!

We want you to meet them all and finishing out the group is Erica!

Here's a little more about Erica in her own words.

I'm a life-long St. Louisan, currently living in the South Hampton area with my two cats (Finley and Pim, both boys, both 7-ish years old). Corproate communications is my career, although I have an inner hippy that desperately wants to leave corporate American to travel the world taking photograph and doing odd jobs!

I love to snow ski, though don’t get the opportunity as much as I want or used to. And I'm

a St. Louis Cardinals season ticket holder (left field bleachers) since 2000!

What originally brought you to Dragonfly ten years ago? As if technology can read our minds, I had been missing my former all-women’s gym and was thinking about finding a new place. About that time, I saw an ad on Facebook for a four-week, outdoor, small-group training session for women and thought, “I’ll give it a shot. If I hate it, it’s only four weeks.” Ten years later and I’m still here. 

What has kept you at DF for ten years? Where to start?!?! First, I believe in the program. DF meets me where I am, continues to push me to try new things and works with me when I need modifications. Second, the coaches. There have been some turnovers through the years, but each coach has enhanced my life, health and well-being in some way. Third, the community. It’s so great to be part of a group of women who genuinely cheer for each other, lift each other up, and offer support even when I don’t think I’m at my best. Fourth, DF’s values of service and giving back align with mine. And finally, DOGS! I don’t have dogs of my own (the cats would revolt), so it’s a great day when we get a visit from a pup!

How has being a member of Dragonfly changed aspects of your life? The biggest impact for me is that because DF is class-based, it forces me to put time on the calendar for my health and wellness! Also, I used to think that the top (maybe only?) reason to workout was to lose weight. At DF, I’ve learned that growing stronger and better is my reason!

What motivates you to keep coming back to the gym year after year? I’m stronger today than I was 10 years ago. I turned 50 this year, and I want to continue prove to myself that my age doesn’t have to be a limit! 

What advice would you give to members who are just starting with us? Don’t be afraid to ask the question … any question. About reps, movements, modifications. You’re probably not the only one thinking the same thing. Also, it’s fun to try everything at least once. You never know what you might be able to do tomorrow that you’re still learning how to do today.

What is your favorite part about being a member at Dragonfly? Can I say the t-shirts/merch? Lol … I think there are only a couple I don’t own! But seriously, my favorite thing about being a member is the people I've met through this great community, followed closely by the confidence DF has helped me rebuild in myself.

What separates your experience at Dragonfly from other gyms you've tried in the past? Dragonfly isn’t just a “gym”. It’s a community of coaches and other women who truly care about each other and want to see others succeed! 

Is there anything that strength training has taught you or given you that you weren't expecting? Yes! Now, instead of saying “I can’t do that,” I say “I haven’t learned how to do that yet” or “I’m working up to that.” I also listen to my body in ways I didn’t 10-plus years ago - where I can push, when I need to rest, what foods help me be at my best.

What's one thing you're proud of from the past 10 years? Honestly, that I’ve stuck with it this long. There are days when it would have been easy to quit or give up, but I keep coming back because I know I’m that much stronger, that much better, each and every day.

What is something that used to be intimidating, but now you love it and/or how might you encourage others that might be nervous? Tire flips … sounds silly but I remember the first time they made an appearance. I said “nope, no way will I ever try that.” Now I love them. And also, wall stands/wall L-stands. For years, I let fear get in my way, and one day, they just clicked!

Write your own question and answer it. :) What coach plays the best playlists? I have a wide range of music interests, so I usually like most of what we hear in class. But Denise is always playing some sort of classic rock/80s hair band jams, and those are my absolute favorites!

For the past ten years, Erica has been lighting up Dragonfly! She brings a certain kinda fun and joy to the room. Erica has grown so much over the past ten years and we love watching her succeed and shine! Thank you for being here Erica!


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